What The White Citizens’ Councils Said
The fate of our great nation may well rest in the hands of Southern white people today.
“You can depend on one thing: The NAACP (National Association for the Agitation of Colored People), aided by alien influences, bloc vote seeking politicians, and left-wing do-gooders, will see that you have a problem in the near future....
The fate of our great nation may well rest in the hands of Southern white people today. If we submit to this unconstitutional, judge-made integration law, the malignant powers of atheism, communism and mongrelization will surely follow, not only in our Southland, but throughout our nation. To falter would be tragic; to fail would be fatal. The white people of the South will again stand fast and preserve an unsullied race as our forefathers did eighty years ago. We will not be integrated either suddenly or gradually.”